The former mailbox shown in the January 10 Where Have I Seen This?, repurposed as a yellow drop-bin for used eyeglasses, had some readers seeing double.
Ours is tucked in a corner near the entrance to the Acme supermarket on River Road. But readers submitted responses that included the Cumberland Farms in the Oceanport Village Plaza; “next to Rite Aid,” presumably the one on Water Street in Red Bank, where there’s a non-yellow eyeglass drop; the SuperFoodtown in Atlantic Highlands; the Elks Club on West Front Street in Red Bank; and the Red Bank Public Library.
Thanks to all who wrote in: Paul McCue, Linda Presutti, Ed Keighron, Ryan Corbett, Natalie Zenner, Fred Gill, Trish DePonti, Larry Quigley, Robert Budnick, Beth Sillen, Paul Lenskold, Joshua Halpern, the Colmorgen Kids, Macy Riley, Wade Davis, Lindsey Hintelmann, Bill Normyle, Michael McMahon, Mike Halfacre, Robin Mahns, Tracy McMahon and Nancy Banta.
Drop us a line, please, if you know where this weeks Where photo was taken.