RBR freshman Creative Writing Majors performed inspiring works at student classes during the Week of Respect activities. Pictured above are (left to right) Madison Zeller, Shrewsbury, Grace Cody, Shrewsbury, Corey Van Huff, Neptune City, Emma Wright, Little Silver, and Anthony Jimenez Hernandez, Red Bank.
Press release from Red Bank Regional High School
On October 7 through 11, Red Bank Regional High School celebrated the state-mandated Week of Respect with inspiring poetry, songs, and outreach. In a statement, RBR Principal Risa Clay remarked, “Although the state requires that all schools set aside a week in October to celebrate respect, it is important to remember that our school community practices these values all year long.”
Each morning began with stirring quotes promoting respect and acceptance read by students over the school’s public address system. The RBR video production ran videos created by students on the same themes.
The Academy of Visual and Performing Arts’ Creative Writing Majors traveled to various classes performing inspiring works such as Theodore Roosevelt’s speech “Citizen Republic.” Their teacher, Dr. Gretna Wilkinson, set the mood by stating that “We do not promote tolerance of everyone but rather acceptance of everyone.”
Teen Outreach Program (TOP) members also presented the results of their School Climate survey (created last year as their community service project) on how welcome LGBT students are in their high school. The results found a very accepting high school for all students. Student-to-Student Peer Leaders counseled freshmen in the hallways on advice to prevent or deter bullying, particularly if one witnesses such an occurrence.
RBR Anti-Bullying Specialist Cheryl Washington, who presents anti-bullying presentations to both the staff (to be aware of such incidents) and students (to deter such activity) states, “We are trying to increase bystander awareness, and encourage students to report any incidents rather than viewing any involvement as tattling.”
During lunch periods, members of the numerous communities that send students to RBR sent police officer representatives to mingle among the students.
School Resource Officer Rob Chenoweth explains, “We want our students to see the friendly face of law enforcement in their communities who are there to help and support them.”
Organizations that advocate against bullying including 180 Turning Lives Around, PFLAG and 2nd Floor Hotline were also invited to set up tables with information for students.
Every club in the school also displayed information on what they do in outreach to every other student encouraging participation and membership in the greater RBR community.