This week’s Where calls for looking down. Do you know the location? Please send an email with your best guess to [email protected].
And the answer to last week’s Where is…
the clock on the rear facade of Jack’s Music Shoppe in Red Bank.
We received two responses, both correct, from Trish DePonti and Steve Sickles. Steve wrote:
The clock is clearly a promotional gift from the Maxell corporation, initially famous for their blank cassette tapes.
(“Kids, a ‘cassette tape’ was an old timer invention whereby one would ‘woo’ a romantic partner by recording their favorite songs one what was called a ‘mix tape.’ It was the perfect medium for this, because it was a medium that would eventually self-destruct within what we called a ‘cassette player’, thereby sparing you the embarrassment of having to acknowledge the poor musical choices you made at a much younger age.”)
Oops! Almost forgot my answer. Is it a clock found on the back of Jack’s Music? (In which case, that’s two ‘Anderson’ related “Where’s” in a row.)
Thanks to Trish and Steve.