James McGee takes the oath of office as Red Bank’s newest police officer. (Photo by Brian Donohue. Click to enlarge.)
Red Bank swore in two new police officers Thursday at a ceremony that filled the council chamber at Borough Hall with proud friends and family of the new officers and members of the department whom they will now serve alongside.
James McGee, who has worked with both the Red Bank and Sea Girt police departments as a Special Law Enforcement Officer, was sworn is as a patrolman.
Carmine Pannullo took the oath as a special law enforcement officer level 2. Special law enforcement officers are part-time officers who perform public safety and law enforcement duties.
Carmine Pannullo is sworn in as a special law enforcement officer (photo by Brian Donohue)
McGee grew up in Howell Township and is the first in his family to go into law enforcement, according to Chief Mike Frazee. Pannullo grew up in Middlesex County and Matawan. His father is a retired Borough of Carteret Police detective.
The addition of McGee to the roster of full time officers brings the number of sworn police officers in the department to 38, one short of what is considered full staffing, Frazee said.
Frazee welcomed the two new officers during the meeting of the Borough Council with a few words about the importance of integrity for those charged with protecting and serving the community.
“Integrity means a lot in this career and it means a lot in life,” he said. “If you build your life around that you’ll do welling your life and be just fine.”
redbankgreen editor Brian Donohue may be reached via email at [email protected] or by calling or texting 848-331-8331 or yelling his name loudly as he walks by. Do you value the news coverage provided by redbankgreen? Please become a financial supporter if you haven’t already. Click here to set your own level of monthly or annual contribution.