Police are searching for suspects who stole a car when its owner got out to pay the gas station attendant after filling up at a Red Bank gas station Friday night.
The brazen 8:25 pm. theft was captured on video at the Shell station at the corner of Newman Springs Road and Shrewsbury Avenue.
Video reviewed by Sgt. John Camarca captures the suspect exiting the passenger side of a white BMW X5 with Pennsylvania license plates that had pulled up in front of the victim’s car as he was buying gasoline, police said.
Video released by the Red Bank Police Department shows the suspect crawling along the perimeter of the car as the owner stands behind it, first looking away then walking over to pay the attendant.
“At that time, the owner noticed the accused entering his vehicle and quickly ran over to the door in an attempt to stop him’’ Red Bank Police Chief Mike Frazee said in an emailed statement. “ A short struggle ensued, and the owner backed up from the vehicle as he was afraid the accused had a weapon.”
The suspect and the BMW in which he had arrived in then sped off heading west on Newman Springs Road, Frazee said.
“We ask the public to pay attention of their surroundings and be vigilant,’’ Frazee said. “ Anyone with information is asked to contact the Red Bank Police Department.”
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