Councilman Michael DuPont subjected the head of Parks & Rec to a cringe-inducing dressing down.
Mayor Pasquale Menna pre-emptively lambasted a resident for a letter not yet published by a weekly newspaper.
Art Murphy wigged out on fellow councilmember Grace Cangemi for something she said at the West Side Community Group’s Candidate’s Night earlier this month.
Coming off a couple of bad weeks of crime reports, campaign rhetoric and skirmishes over unanticipated library costs, Red Bank’s governing body was in a colicky mood last night at its final session prior to next month’s election.
The outbursts appeared to have been the products of unrelated weather patterns. But the dark clouds rolled in early, when Parks & Rec director Bob Evans opened a presentation on new playground equipment and found himself in DuPont’s crosshairs.
Soon, Menna was issuing a challenge to a resident who wasn’t present over a letter no one in the audience had seen.
Before it was over, Murphy had called Cangemi a liar, and Murphy’s brother, Sean, an unelected resident, was blasting her for campaign signs that called for voters to “re-elect” her when she hadn’t been elected in the first place.
We’ve got separate stories on each episode.