Robert Bruce at a Glen Goldbaum fashion event in Red Bank in 2011. A regular on “Comic Book Men,” set at the Broad Street store below, he’s about to get his own show on AMC. (Photos by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)
The Red Bank comic book juggernaut Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash continues to add to its amazing superpowers.
“Comic Book Men,” an unscripted TV show about buying and selling comic books that’s based in the Broad Street store, has been picked up for a fourth season by the AMC network, according an entertainment industry report.
It’s also spawned a new show starring borough resident Robert Bruce, a regular on “Comic Book Men.” And it looks like progenitor-of-all-things-Stashian Kevin Smith will get one, too.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Bruce will be the focus of a companion series that will take him “on a cross-country search for collectibles and fan boy items at estate sales, auctions and flea markets.”
Bruce is a 1977 graduate of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional who calls himself a “popculturalist.” He’s the father of Josh Bruce, who was featured by redbankgreen last summer for his horror film in the making, “Burn in Hell.”
Bruce could not be reached for comment Thursday morning.
In addition, AMC will develop a new show for Stash’s owner, filmmaker Smith, who also appears on “Comic Book Men.”
According to the Hollywood Reporter, “AMC is exploring a late-night project with Smith and longtime friend and collaborator Ralph Garman. The duo’s live podcast, Hollywood Babble-On, will film a pilot this spring with a weekly series in mind.”