Rapidly rising temperatures began turning more than a foot of snow from an overnight storm into slush and puddles Thursday morning, as seen on Shrewsbury Avenue in Red Bank, above. And on Drs. James Parker Boulevard, the heavy, wet stuff made for good snowman-building.
Click more for other scenes from Red Bank in the aftermath of the spring snowstorm. (Photos by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Harding Road between Hudson Avenue and Spring Street remained closed as of 11:15 because of downed utility lines and tree limbs.
Doug Lang of the public utilities department cleared a crosswalk on Broad Street. Snow was plowed into deep piles everywhere, as here on Monmouth Street.The Thompson Funeral Home on Broad Street had the makings of a postcard as clearing work got underway.A curbside basketball net was stuffed with snow as the storm ended.