‘Unless,’by Gus Rojas of Red Bank. Below, the poster for the event, by Chloe Rosen of Little Silver, lists the participating students. (Click to enlarge)
(Press release from Red Bank Regional High)
The Red Bank Regional commercial photo majors are holding their annual senior show as an online exhibit through Instagram and Facebook.
‘Culture,’ by Claire Petrone of Little Silver. (Click to enlarge)
The (RBR) photo level 4 seniors have been working on their body of work since September of 2019.
The show is typically held at a local venue with a reception each year, but in light of the national lockdown they have decided to go online and provide a virtual tour of the wonderful creative expressions that they have explored over the past several years.
The show represents the culmination of 10 artists who have been studying photography together for the past four years as part of the Visual and Performing Arts Academy under the direction of Dawn Lisko.
The show will feature 100 pieces from 10 students who live throughout Monmouth County, ranging from Red Bank to Belmar.
Come experience a variety of work from adobe Photoshop techniques to 35 mm darkroom film projects to a combination of mixed media art work. The public is invited to view the show and provide comments and questions and can even inquire about purchasing the work. Please help support the RBR photo majors from the class of 2020. (@rbrhs_photography)
Check out the photos on Facebook and Instagram (@rbrhs_photography).