What vape shop owner in Red Bank has the best dance moves? Is Borough Hall a sad boogie-free zone? Just what would happen if you were to ask legendary Red Bank sports booster Mark Williams to do a Basie boogie at Count Basie Fields? redbankgreen has the video that answers all these questions.
To celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Red Bank’s most famous son, jazz great William “Count” Basie, redbankgreen editor Brian Donohue criss crossed the town with a wireless speaker and Basie’s 1944 composition “Red Bank Boogie” to see what exactly if, and how, Red Bank actually boogies. Enjoy the video.
redbankgreen editor Brian Donohue may be reached via email at  [email protected] or by calling or texting 848-331-8331 or yelling his name loudly as he walks by. Do you value the news coverage provided by redbankgreen? Please become a financial supporter if you haven’t already. Click here to set your own level of monthly or annual contribution.