Do you know where in Red Bank the above photo was taken?
And a bonus question this week: Can you name our favorite Radiohead song which naturally pops into our head every time we walk past this spot?
Send your answer (or best guess) to [email protected] by noon, Thursday Jan. 23. We’ll reveal the location the next day.
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Here’s the answer to last week’s “Where.”
Last week’s photo was of the security bars on the first floor windows of apartments at Station Place, an apartment building at 145 Monmouth Street.
The 57-unit building was built in 2014 on the site of an old gas station by developer Roger Mumford. The site had previously been the site of an old gas station at the corner of Monmouth and West Streets. It was one of the first projects built after the borough created a new zone designed to boost density in the neighborhood around the train station.
Originally pitched as “The Courtyards of Monmouth” the project was envisioned as providing a crucial link between the downtown business district and the west side.
Anecdotally, the boxy, metal-barred, right-on-the-sidewalk building seems to be widely considered one of the least attractive buildings in Red Bank. “Where” respondent Alan Hill sarcastically identified it and called it “Red Bank’s very own cell block one.”
One “Where” respondent had another issue, though: Yvonne MacDonald simply said this week’s photo was “just too easy!”
Alan Hill, Yvonne MacDonald, Seena Goldman, Gina Petillo and Roome Missig, Kate Brannan, Stuart Freidlin, Fred Ploetz , Phyllis McQuillan, Karen Carlson, Matthew Forman, Chris Havens, Jim Baresich, Sue Noone, Chuck Stern , The Colmorgen Kids, Lyndsay McMeen, Brock Siebert.
I hope I got everyone. Please email or text me immediately if we missed you at [email protected] or 848-331-8331.
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