Do you know where in Red Bank the above photo was taken?
Send your answer (or best guess) to [email protected] by noon, Thursday, Jan 30. We’ll reveal the location the next day.
Subscribers to redbankgreen‘s Red Bank Blast newsletter get the “Where” photo, along with the latest headlines, sent to their inboxes every week.
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Here’s the answer to last week’s “Where.”
Last week’s photo was of what Ann Ciabattoni called the “funky shrubs” in the planter outside UBS Financial Services at 140 Broad Street.
Some sharp-eyed wheresters like Stu Freidlin used the reflection of the buildings across the street to identify the location. Amanda Gebhardt recognized them as the plastic plants right outside her office. (We hope they at least use real money to pay you, Amanda). One person incorrectly guessed the photo was taken of the Golf Den on East Front Street, although they also have fake greens in there, too.
And quite a few people were able to answer our bonus question asking what Radiohead song pops into our heads when we walk by. Yes! “Fake Plastic Trees!”
Thanks to those who wrote in:
Thanks to those who wrote in: Yvonne MacDonald, Stu Freidlin, Gebhardt, Thomas Rule, Ann Ciabattoni, F Hendricksen, Amanda J. Gebhardt Chuck Stern, Bridget Manfredi, Matthew Forman Gina Petillo and Brooke Missig, The Colmorgen Kids, Gina Petillo and Brooke Missig, Christopher Havens, Sue Noone, Matthew Forman, Ann Ciabattoni, Chuck Stern, F Hendricksen, Thomas Rule, Amamda Gebhardt, Rich McKenna.
I hope I got everyone. Please email or text me immediately if we missed you at [email protected] or 848-331-8331. The inbox was particularly overwhelmed this week and I tried to pluck out all the responses.
redbankgreen has been covering Red Bank with our gumshoes and green plastic watering can since 2006. Reader support is essential to the effort. If you haven’t already signed up for our pay-what-you-can program, please click here to kick in. Thank you.