The River Plaza section of Middletown was the scene of what appears to be a spree of break-ins by a suspect who stole a resident’s car early Thursday and is still on the loose.
A reader sent redbankgreen this account Thursday evening. We’ve removed the house numbers:
Last night at 3:30 am a resident surprised a burglar in his house at XX Hubbard Ave. He scared the intruder off and called the police.
Then a house 4 doors down the street was visited and stuff was stolen on the back porch. The burglar then went to our neighbors at XX Hubbard Ave. The car and house keys were stolen and the back door on the porch was propped open.
Finally the burglar arrived at our house at XX West Front Street. He pushed his way into our house through an air conditioner and stole money from my purse and car keys that were on the counter in the kitchen. He then went back through the window and drove off with one of our cars. Our neighbors heard the car alarm go off at 5:45am, which was quickly silenced.
My hats are off to the Middletown Police who arrived promptly when called, and the detective arrived shortly thereafter. They handled everything very professionally. My concern is for our neighbors and neighborhood. They should be alerted so they can take their own precautions. I wish the no one in our neighborhood should have to go through the experience we have.
Here’s what the police said in a news release:
The Middletown Police Department is investigating three similar incidents that occurred at
residences on Hubbard Avenue and West Front Street in the early morning hours of Thursday, October
27, 2011.
Police say an unknown person attempted to gain entry into two of the residences and did in
fact make entry into one of them in an effort to locate car keys in order to steal the homeowners
vehicle. The subject was able to steal a 2000 Dodge Caravan from the West Front Street home.
Police say one of the homeowners observed a young black male at their residence. Police
request anyone with information contact Det. Adam Finck at (732) 615-2072.