Two hot topics were removed from the Red Bank council agenda Wednesday night:
• a proposed $2 million bond to pay for replacing every residential and business water meter in town
• and possible end to a moratorium on parking fees paid in the past by downtown developers.
The bond introduction was removed, said Council President Art Murphy, because “some information was given to the finance committee later in the day and not everybody was able to review it.” He did not identify the information or its source.
Discussion on a possible end to a five-year-old moratorium on fees imposed on downtown developers for newly-created parking shortfalls was also tabled. Murphy, sitting in for absent Mayor Pasquale Menna, who is recovering from heart bypass surgery, said Menna wanted to be involved in the discussion.
The council has repeatedly extended the moratorium, which is now set to expire on June 30.
Bother matters are expected to be on the agenda at the council’s next semimonthly meeting, scheduled for June 10.