Nominations are now being accepted for the designation of downtown Red Bank’s ugliest building, now that unofficial title holder has been razed.
What’s Going On Here? Click ‘read more’ for the answer. (Photo by Trish Russoniello. Click to enlarge.)
The building as seen in 2014. Below, architect Jim Monteforte discusses facade changes at a January, 2017, planning board meeting. (Photos by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Gone is the bunker-like former home of Red Bank Radiology at 39 East Front Street, with a facade featuring a stucco, no windows and a steel door worthy of warehouse.
Twin brothers John and Scott Caruso of Rumson bought it for $1.13 million in August, 2016. They plan to redevelop the site into ground-level retail space and use the entire second-floor offices for their business, a real estate development firm called CJS Investments.
They went back to the board in October to modify their plan, having decided it wasn’t workable with the existing structure.
The new facade will be much more attractive, featuring plenty of glass and decorative trim, architect Jim Monteforte testified last year. The back side of the building, which faces the emergency room of Riverview Medical Center, will get aesthetic improvements as well, he said. (The photo at the top of this post was taken from the back of the structure.)
John Caruso tells redbankgreen that the project is expected to be ready for occupancy at the start of 2019.
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