Students at Red Bank’s primary and middle schools will pivot to remote learning Friday, but not because of the storm that left nearly three inches of the snow by early morning.
Those in two other districts are free to play in the snow, however, as the storm added another variable to pandemic-scrambled district schedules.
• “Due to the number of students/staff currently out due to COVID related issues and in consultation with the Monmouth County Health Department, the Red Bank Borough Public Schools will pivot to a full-remote schedule” Friday, a notice on the district website said. “We anticipate reopening for in-person learning on Monday, January 10.”
The district took an emergency day Monday, on what was to have been the first day back following the winter break, because of a large number of anticipated staff absences, Superintendent Jared Rumage said.
• For the Red Bank Charter School and Fair Haven’s two schools, Friday is a snow day, thanks to the first snowfall of 2022 on the Greater Red Bank Green, which left about three inches by 5:30 a.m.
“Have fun and be safe!” said a message on the charter school website.
• As previously reported, Red Bank Regional High was already on an all-remote schedule this week because of “a severe uptick in virus transmission rates,” according to Superintendent Lou Moore.
• Little Silver schools were already using a schedule of half-day remote learning this week, also because of the COVID-19 virus.
The snowfall was forecast to end by 10 a.m., giving way to sunshine and temperatures in the mid-30s, according to the National Weather Service.
(Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
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