Six Red Bank stores and restaurants were burglarized in a break-in spree along Monmouth Street earlier this week, police Chief Darren McConnell said Saturday.
The lone burglar, who has not been arrested, also tried but failed to break into two other stores, he said.
According to McConnell, the break-ins and attempts occurred overnight from Wednesday into the early morning hours of Thursday.
Hit were these businesses:
• Monmouth Stamp and Coin Shop
• Olympus Greek American Grill
• Johnny’s Pork Roll
• The Green Room
• Sogo Sushi
• Dynasty Smokes
Breaking off locks along the way, the burglar also tried but failed to break into Feet First Skate Shop and Toast restaurant, McConnell said.
Losses “varied from very small amounts up, mostly cash from registers,” and a few sweatshirts from one store, McConnell said.
Police have surveillance video but are not yet releasing it, McConnell said. Detective Sean Hauschildt is investigating.
Police are reminding retailers to follow these steps to heighten security:
1. Leave both exterior and some interior lights on overnight so that officers and people passing by can see into the store and potentially see someone committing a crime.
2. Make sure any surveillance equipment and alarm equipment is functioning and activated at closing time.
3. Do not keep excessive amounts of cash in the business, not even under the cash register drawer. Only a small amount of start-up cash, the minimum possible.
4. If it appears that someone illegally entered a business remain outside and contact the PD and await their arrival. This is for safety but also so as not to contaminate any evidence.
5. At closing time when possible have two employees check all doors and windows to insure they are locked.
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