A map of the areas affected by the power outage as of 2:48 pm Sunday, from the JCP&L web site. (Photo by Brian Donohue. Click to enlarge.)
A balloon release gone wrong knocked out power to a wide swath of Red Bank Sunday afternoon, officials said.
One of the balloons from the balloon launch wrapped around a wire leading to the JCP&L substation. (Photo by Brian Donohue. Click to enlarge.)
Jersey Central Power and Light reported about 1,200 customers were without power after the incident, which occurred around 2 pm, snarling traffic at intersections across town as traffic signals went dark. An alert sent to customers estimated the power should be restored at about 4:30 pm, but reports indicated power was returning to areas by about 3:30 pm.
The outage was triggered when a group of people gathered near Mohawk Pond at Count Basie Park released a large number of balloons that hit power lines leading from the JCP&L substation about 100 feet away, Red Bank Volunteer Fire Department Chief Bobby Holiday said.
RBFD crews were on the scene near the substation awaiting JCP&L crews and balloons could still be seen tangled in trees and wires in the area.
Several people attending football games at the field described hearing a loud boom just before a large number of silver and blue mylar balloons ascended into the sky. One woman described people in the group that had let the balloons go running and screaming as the loud popping sound rang out.
“I heard a loud boom and saw a bunch of balloons,” said Katie Ellmer, of Somerset County.
At the corner of Drs. James Parker Boulevard and Shrewsbury Avenue longtime Red Bank resident Luis Toribio jumped into action and began directing traffic at the intersection where streets lights had gone out.
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As a Red Bank police officer arrived to relieve him of his duties a group of people gathered for a jazz concert at Johnny Jazz Park let up an appreciated cheer for Toribio.
“It’s my pleasure,” he said. “It’s my town. It’s something I can give back to my town.”
In 2020, the Borough banned balloon releases, part of a nationwide effort to curtail the harmful effects on wildlife and the environment.
redbankgreen editor Brian Donohue may be reached via email at  [email protected] or by calling or texting 848-331-8331 or yelling his name loudly as he walks by. Do you value the news coverage provided by redbankgreen? Please become a financial supporter if you haven’t already. Click here to set your own level of monthly or annual contribution.