The crime reports below were provided by the Red Bank Police Department for the period of October 19 and November 9, 2012. This information is unedited.
Criminal Mischief occurring on 10-20-12 at Bridge Ave. Victim reported that unknown person(s) damaged his vehicle by slashing driver side front tire and breaking mirror of vehicle. Lt. Richard Mangold.
Criminal Mischief occurring on 10-30-12 at following locations: Clifford Place, Carmen Place and West Westside Ave. Unknown subjects damaged several vehicles. Food and condiment items were thrown at parked vehicles. Ptl. Garrett Falco.
Robbery occurring on 10-31-12 in the area of Oakland Street. Victim reported that two unknown males were involved. One of the subjects approached the victim while walking home and pointed a gun at him demanding money. The other subject stood behind the first subject. The victim gave the accused his wallet, which contained cash and a debit card. Also stolen was victims cell phone. Accused fled. Lt. Eliot Ramos
Auto Theft occurring on 11-3-12 at Shrewsbury Ave. gas station. Victim reported that after exiting parked vehicle an unknown male jumped in car and sped off stealing the vehicle, which had been left with the keys inside. Vehicle described as a 2004 Nissan Maxima gray in color bearing NJ C88ARK. Ptl. James DePonte.
Burglary occurring at Shrewsbury Avenue Liquor Store on November 3, 2012. Unknown suspect forced entry. Stolen were cigarettes and currency. Det. Wendy Samis.
Criminal Mischief occurring on 11-4-12 at Bridge Ave. Victim reported that unknown person(s) smashed the sunroof on parked vehicle. Det. Wendy Samis.
Theft reported on 11-6-12 at Linden Place residence. Victim reported that unknown person stole a package that was delivered to doorstep on 10-25-12. Ptl. David Smith.
Aaron Butts, male age 25 of Red Bank was arrested on 11-6-12 in the area of Monmouth St. for COC [Contempt of Court] by Ptl. Paul Perez.
Christian Martinez, age 27 male of Red Bank was arrested for Criminal Mischief on 11- 4-12 in the area of Leighton Ave. by Ptl. Jorge Torres.
Renato Bonilla-Munoz, age 25 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-31-12 in the area of Locust Ave for Simple Assault by Ptl. Paul Perez.
Pepita Gadson, age 19 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-30-12 in the area of W. Westside Ave. for Defiant Trespass by Ptl. Garrett Falco.
Carl Corso, age 26 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-30-12 in the area of Newman Springs Rd. for COC by Ptl. Beau Broadley
Paulius Delekas, age 24 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-26-12 in the area of Riverside Ave. for Simple Assault by Ptl. Michael Zadlock.
Carole Clark, age 55 female of Cliffside Park was arrested on 10-25-12 in the area of Monmouth St. for COC by Ptl. Beau Broadley.
Armando Cruz, age 25 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-25-12 in the area of Monmouth St. for COC by Ptl. Jorge Torres.
Sendy Lito-Palapa, age 20 male of Red Bank and Christian Perez, age 19 male of Red Bank were arrested on 10-22-12 in the area of Mohawk Lane for Poss. of Drug Paraphernalia, Obstructing Administration of Law and Underage Poss. of Alcohol by Ptl. Stan Balmer.
Navor Gonzalez-Leyva, age 23 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-22-12 in the area of Bridge Ave. for Simple Assault, Harassment and Hindering Apprehension by Ptl. Jhonatan Quispe.
Mustabaa Muhammad, age 33 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-22-12 in the area of Springdale Ave., Tinton Falls for COC by Ptl. Stan Balmer.
Alvin Jones, age 36 male of Tinton Falls was arrested on 10-22-12 in the area of E. Newman Springs Rd. for COC by Ptl. Stan Balmer.
Sergio Aleman-Mamzanares, age 28 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-21-12 in the area of Drummond Ave. for COC by Ptl. Jhonatan Quispe.
A 17 year old male from Middletown was arrested on 10-21-12 in the area of Tower Hill for Poss. of Drug Paraphernalia and Poss of CDS, Marijuana under 50 grams by Ptl. Nicholas Maletto.
John Kutner, age 36 male of Middletown was arrested on 10-20-12 in the area of Monmouth St. for COC by Ptl. Garrett Falco.
David Ham, age 55 male of Middletown was arrested on 10-19-12 in the area of W. Bergen Place for COC by Ptl. Michael Zadlock.
Eric Hall, age 25 male of Asbury Park was arrested on 10-19-12 in the area of Monmouth St. for COC by Ptl. Stan Balmer.
Amanda Muller, age 24 female of Brooklyn NY was arrested on 10-19-12 in the area West Westside Ave. for Poss. of Prescription Legend Drugs by Ptl. Thomas Doremus.