Work on the primary school emergency access road, seen here from Locust Avenue, is nearly complete. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
While most of America is cracking open its first cold beverages of the July 4 holiday Wednesday evening, the Red Bank council plans to hold a workshop session.
Here are some of the expected highlights:
• An update on the emergency access road under construction at the primary school, where council members will be asked to approve a change order, Business Administrator Ziad Shehady tells redbankgreen.
The project is now nearing completion after years of discussion and planning. But heavy equipment used to create the road, which would link the school to Locust Avenue, caused some road damage on Locust, Shehady said.
Before repaving the section from there to the west terminus of Locust, the administration wants to replace a “non-compliant” stormwater inlet and incorporate the cost of adding Americans with Disabilities Act sidewalk access to Bellhaven Natural Area, across the street, into the tab, he said.
The changes would add $96,000 to the cost, bringing the project total to $975,716, Shehady said.
• Discussion of the proposed alternate-side parking ordinance, which was tabled at the last regular session so it could be tweaked to exclude state and county roads, and to take into account streets where parking is now banned on one side so alternate-side can be put into effect.
• Discussion of a single-use plastics ban.
Here’s the full agenda. The council meets at 6:30 p.m. in the council chamber at borough hall, 90 Monmouth Street. No formal action will be taken at the meeting.