Crime and arrest reports for the months of September, 2017, as provided by the Little Silver Police Department. This report is published unedited. For additional information, please scroll to the bottom of this post.
September 6– A resident from Willow Dr. reported Fraud after discovering that an unknown subject(s) made fraudulent purchases on their debit card account. P.O. Brain Miller and Det. Sgt. Greg Oliva investigated.
September 6– An employee from Walgreen’s reported Shoplifting after a female subject stole merchandise from the store and fled prior to police arrival. Sgt. Kelvin Halpin investigated.
September 7– Jose Guzman, 39, of Long Branch, NJ, was arrested following a motor vehicle stop on Seven Bridges Rd. for Driving While Intoxicated. P.O. Taylor Doremus made the arrest.
September 8– A victim from Ridge Rd. reported Theft after discovering that jewelry had been stolen and later recovered. P.O. Robert Chenoweth investigated.
September 11– An employee from a business on Oceanport Ave. reported Burglary/Theft after discovering that an unknown subject(s) broke into the business and removed items sometime during the early morning hours. P.O. Peter Giblin and Det. Sgt. Greg Oliva investigated.
September 12– A resident from Highfield Ct. reported Fraud after discovering fraudulent activity on their checking account. P.O. Brian Miller and Det. Sgt. Greg Oliva investigated.
September 17– Lars Preddy, 45, of Long Branch, NJ, was arrested following a suspicious vehicle investigation on Ridge Rd. for an active Contempt of Court warrant out of the Asbury Park Municipal Court in the amount of $81.00. Sgt. Paul Halpin made the arrest.
September 18– Steven Caetano, 25, of Newark, NJ, was arrested following a suspicious person complaint at the Little Silver Train Station for Hindering Apprehension, Receiving Stolen Property, Stolen Credit Cards, Criminal Mischief and Tampering With Evidence. P.O. Taylor Doremus made the arrest.
September 20– A victim from Ridge Rd. reported Theft after discovering that an unknown subject(s) stole their cell phone sometime throughout the day. P.O. Robert Chenoweth investigated.
September 18– A resident from Woodbine Ave. reported Fraud after discovering that an unknown subject(s) cashed a fraudulent check on their checking account. Sgt. Martin Scherzinger and Det. Sgt. Greg Oliva investigated.
September 19– A customer from a business on Prospect Ave. reported Theft after discovering that their debit card had been overcharged. Sgt. Martin Scherzinger and Det. Sgt. Greg Oliva investigated.
September 20– A victim from Ridge Rd. reported Harassment after receiving a harassing email from a known acquaintance. P.O. Robert Chenoweth investigated.
September 20– Tammy Calabretta, 44, of Rumson, NJ, was arrested following a motor vehicle stop on Sycamore Ave. for Possession of Crack Cocaine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and active Contempt of Court warrants out of West Long Branch, Long Branch, Middletown, and Allenhurst Municipal Courts totaling $3,251.00. P.O. Taylor Doremus made the arrest.
September 20– Branko Sumor, 63, of Long Branch, NJ was arrested following a motor vehicle stop on Sycamore Ave. for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and an active Contempt of Court warrant out of the Ocean Township Municipal Court in the amount of $500.00. P.O. Taylor Doremus made the arrest.
September 23– A victim from Ridge Rd. reported Theft after discovering that their bicycle had been stolen and was later recovered. P.O. Robert Chenoweth investigated.
September 26– Jeffrey Carrington, 51, of Oakhurst, NJ, was arrested following a motor vehicle stop on Branch Ave. for active Contempt of Court warrants out of the Monmouth County Superior Court in the amount of $24,229.00. P.O. Taylor Doremus made the arrest.
September 29– Charlie Scott, 29, of Asbury Park, NJ, was arrested following a motor vehicle stop on Oceanport Ave. for Possession of Marijuana Under 50 Grams. P.O. Taylor Doremus made the arrest.
September 29– Joseph Jasmin, 33, of Asbury Park, NJ, was arrested following a motor vehicle stop on Oceanport Ave. for Possession of Marijuana Under 50 Grams and Possession of PCP. P.O. Taylor Doremus made the arrest.
September 29– A victim from Ridge Rd. reported Theft after discovering that an unknown subject(s) stole a weed wacker that was left un-attended near the roadway where the victim was working. P.O. Robert Chenoweth investigated.
September 30– A victim from Prospect Ave. reported Theft after discovering that money was missing from their checking account. P.O. Scott Lorenson and Det. Sgt. Greg Oliva investigated.
Publisher’s Note: This compilation of crime and arrest reports was provided to redbankgreen by police, and appears here without any changes except for formatting.