Maybe Red Bank-based Navesink River Rowing, which is always looking for a good strong back, should give Bruce Springsteen a call.
The Star-Ledger’s MaryAnn Spoto has a story on Springsteen taking a stab at rowing a lifeguard boat in the ocean off the Manasquan Inlet on Tuesday.
Springsteen was at the ‘Squan beach to help the town celebrate the 75th anniversary of the re-opening of the inlet. Why? Because, well, what else is there to do on a Tuesday in August when both the Seeger Sessions tour and the Monmouth County Horse Show are over?
Anyway, from the article:
Janet Carbin, assistant chief guard for Manasquan beaches, said Springsteen took her up on her offer to try rowing a surfboat in the ocean off Manasquan Inlet beach.
“He thought it was hysterical,” Carbin said after the row. “I talked about my kids, he talked about a couple of things.”
But mostly in the 10-minute ocean venture, she gave him instructions on how to row, telling him to put more of his back into the effort rather than using his arms, she said.
After the row, he wandered around the crowds on the esplanade along the inlet. Wearing a white T-shirt, maroon Birdwell boardshorts and a baseball cap, Springsteen shook hands with those who recognized him and posed for photographs.