For 20 years now, Sea Bright’s temporary lockup has failed state Department of Corrections inspections because of an enduring deficiency, today’s Asbury Park Press reports.
The jail doesn’t have a secure facility for moving prisoners in and out of the building, known as a ‘vehicle sally port,’ the paper reports. And the problem won’t go away until a new jail is built or the existing one gets a makeover, it seems everyone involved agrees.
From the story:
Chief William S. Moore said the police building never had a sally port, but it is “very important” that one be included in any new construction or remodeling plans.
Sea Bright’s Smart Growth report, issued in March, stated that police and emergency services occupy a 14,000-square-foot lot on Ocean Avenue. The site consists of connected buildings and trailers dating from 1909 to 1953, and totals about 2,800 square feet of space.
Police offices comprise about 1,300 square feet, including three offices in the rear trailer unit. Storage, two prisoner cells and other uses account for an additional 500 square feet in the complex. Another 1,000 square feet houses the volunteer ambulance corps, according to the report.
“The police building is generally in poor condition. Heating and cooling facilities are inadequate to maintain proper temperature in extreme weather. Space is also inadequate,” the report found. There is also no interview or victim room.
Councilwoman Dina Long tells the Press that progress is being made.
She noted that the Borough Council recently hired Monteforte Architectural Studio of Neptune to perform an evaluation of municipal buildings for structural integrity and mechanical efficiency as well as architectural aesthetics and functionality. The cost of the study is not to exceed $4,950.