A Ford Expedition lies on its side on River Street, at the corner of Leighton Avenue, following the crash. Below, passenger Maddy Pulignano and her grandmother, Marge Murray. (Click to enlarge)
A 10-year-old girl, already in a leg cast from an injury this week, and her grandmother were safely extricated from an SUV following a Red Bank accident that left the vehicle lying on its side Saturday afternoon.
Maddy Pulignano of Middletown and her grandmother, Marge Murray, of Highlands were unhurt in the accident, in which their SUV was struck by a pickup truck at the intersection of Leighton Avenue and River Street around 3:30p.
Maddy, it turns out, was already in a cast with a broken leg, having been run over, she said with a laugh, by a classmate driving a go-kart on a class trip this week.
Details of the accident were not immediately available, and the identity of the pickup truck’s driver could not be immediately confirmed. He, too, appeared unhurt.
The girl told redbankgreen that she and her grandmother were wearing seatbelts at the time of the accident.
Asked what she would tell her friends on Monday, Maddy replied, cheerfully, “I’m going to tell them I had a horrible week!”