A New Orleans-Style Cold Brew at Rook in Red Bank. (Photos by Sherri Hall. Click to enlarge.)
This week, PieHole‘s Cool Inside summer series stops into Rook in Red Bank for a cold version of a traditional hot beverage that will cool your innards and wake you up at the same time.
What’s it called?
New Orleans Style Cold Brew
All it takes is three ingredients, one of which takes 18 hours to produce. (Photo by Sherri Hall. Click to enlarge.)
Where is it sold?
10 White Street
Red Bank
and all other Rook locations, including the Little Silver train station.
A 20-ounce “regular” will set you back $4.20, including tax, Bigger than Regular (24 oz.) $4.70 including tax. It can also be purchased in concentrated form in a 32 oz. bottle to take home for $12.50.
What’s in it?
According to co-owner Holly Migliaccio, this cold creation is made with just three, 100-percent natural ingredients: coffee, water and chicory. The coffee used is dark-roasted Sumatra, which is brewed with chicory in cold water. Migliaccio says the chicory gives the coffee a dark chocolate taste.
She explains that the coffee is brewed for approximately 18 hours in 400-gallon brewing tanks. This results in a concentrate, which is kegged and kept on tap at each Rook location.
When a customer orders the New Orleans Style Cold Brew, the concentrate is cut with a dairy or non-dairy milk, such as organic whole or skim, almond, soy or coconut milk. Customers can also enjoy it unsweetened or add the sweetener of their choice, such as simple syrup, agave or honey.
How is it made?
It’s made with a 1-to-1 ratio of cold brew concentrate to milk. The cold brew concentrate, milk of choice and the optional sweetener are put into a cup with ice. Then it’s shaken and served.
What’s great about the New Orleans Style Cold Brew?
“It’s strong,” says Migliaccio. “A lot of people want that caffeine boost in the morning, and it definitely packs that punch. Even if the ice melts, it still has a rich taste.”
Migliaccio also says this particular drink has satisfied many non-iced coffee drinkers. “People that don’t like iced coffee love this product,” she says.
It’s also a refreshing alternative to ice cream on a sultry workday afternoon or after a day at the beach, she says.
Fill in the blank with the first word that comes to mind:
If the New Orleans Style Cold Brew didn’t exist, life would be “dull” (Amanda Gruber, Rook’s marketing coordinator) and “dreary” (Migliaccio).
ICYMI, here are the previous stops on the Cool Inside tour of the Greater Red Bank Green and the featured treats:
Crazee’s for a homemade waffle bowl
Ryan’s Homemade Ice Cream for chocolate-covered strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone
Strollo’s Lighthouse for an “iceshake”
La Rosa’s Pastry Shop for frozen cannoli cream and cannoli chips
Hoffman’s for a Cookie Monster milkshake
Ralph’s for a chocolate-chip-cookie sundae