Is this a sign of what a litigious society we live in?
Last week’s shot, showing a drop box for a courier service to the legal profession, attracted a respectable number of responses, all but one of them correct. (The wrong one, curiously, was submitted by a lawyer.)
First in was Charlie Bierly of Madison Avenue, who correctly identified the box’s location as Bergen Place just a few steps west of Broad Street. Charlie was joined by Jenn Woods, Robert Clark, Johnystuf, Alex Turoczi and bluesman extraordinaire Chuck Lambert.
Congrats to all our players, and thanks for playing.
This week…
… we take to the sea, mateys, in search of a trawlerful of fish sticks — or at the every least, a reader who can tell us where this Gorton’s of Gloucester lookalike docks his dinghy.
Email us your guesses, please.