Chief Lou Ferraro and his wife, Eda, gret well-wishers after his swearing-in Monday night. (Photo by Rebecca Desfosse. Click to enlarge)
Joined by his family, friends and fellow officers, Lou Ferraro took the oath of office as Shrewsburys chief of police at Monday nights council meeting. He had served as acting police chief since John Wilson announced his retirement early this year.
A 22-year department veteran and lifelong resident of Shrewsbury, Ferraro started his career as a patrolman and worked his way up the ranks as detective, detective sergeant and lieutenant. He assumes the role of top cop with an extensive list of commendations and a broad education in law enforcement under his belt, highlighted by time spent at the FBI National Academy.
About his new job, Ferraro told redbankgreen, I am honored to be serving the town that I grew up in.
After his wife, Eda, pinned his newly minted chiefs badge on his uniform and gave him a congratulatory kiss, Ferraro briefly addressed the crowded council chamber.
This town is fortunate to have such a great group of men and women that make up this police department,” he said. “Certainly, I am honored to be chosen as chief, but they are the ones that are out there doing all the work.
A dedicated and accomplished police professional, Council President Tom Menapace said of Ferraro. This is the right man for the job.
Superior Court Judge Anthony Mellaci apparently performed Ferraros swearing in ceremony, a task he had requested. A long-time acquaintance of Ferraro, he said, I am just so proud to see a success story of someone who has gone through the ranks.
Ex-chief John Wilsons retirement officially began just prior to Ferraros swearing in with a recognition read by Mayor Donald Burden. Of Wilson, Burden said he’s a known and respected police officer, leader, and friend to the Shrewsbury community.