Work on an expansion of the school as seen in July. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Red Bank Regional High has had to postpone its partial reopening, set for Thursday, over a lack walk-thru body temperature sensors, the school said in an announcement Tuesday evening.
In a notice emailed to members of the school community shortly before 6 p.m., Superintendent Lou Moore said five walk-thru temperature scanners, ordered in July, had not arrived as promised.
“We were assured that the delivery date would be no later than Saturday, September 5,” he wrote. “Unfortunately we received an update today that the delivery date has been moved forward to Saturday, September 12. ”
As a result, the school will postpone the start of in-person learning to Tuesday, September 15, Moore said.
In the meantime, remote learning will begin for all students on Thursday and continue through Monday, September 14, Moore said.
“We share your disappointment in this news and appreciate your patience and understanding. As has been noted previously, the safety and health of everyone will continue to be our first priority during this school-year,” Moore wrote.
Additional updates will be made Wednesday, he said.
Here’s the full announcement in English and Spanish:
RBR Reopening update Espanol 090820
RBR became the first school in New Jersey to shut down as the COVID-19 pandemic spread March 10, and has remained closed since then.
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