In what has to be one of the most bizarre court filings ever made by a former assistant county prosecutor and governor, Jim McGreevey is now saying his ex-wife’s tell-all book failed to sell in part because of the “inappropriate and ill-fitting ballgown with a plunging neckline” she wore on Oprah and her “unbelievable assertion that she did not know her husband was gay,” the Star-Ledger reports.
redbankgreen shares this dish only because McG’s ex, Dina Matos McGreevey, is scheduled bring her book tour to Red Bank on June 28.
But for sheer courtroom balls, the gay ex-Guv’s assertions in divorce papers must be read to be believed.
From the Ledger, which promises more in its Thursday edition:
Former Gov. James E. McGreevey contends in a six-page letter to the family court judge handling his divorce that he is not to blame for his estranged wife’s poor book sales.
Blame Dina Matos McGreevey’s bad taste in clothing, her poor writing and the fact that the public did not buy the unbelievable assertion she did not know he is gay, McGreevey said.
“Instead of blaming the failure of her book on her awful appearance on the Oprah Show…appearing in an inappropriate and ill-fitting ballgown with a plunging neckline or blaming the fact that her book is poorly written or dull…or blaming…the unbelievable assertion that she did not know her husband was gay, or blaming the assertion that the plaintiff was a ‘bisexual’ when he clearly announced he was a ‘Gay American,’ she blames the plaintiff,” McGreevey wrote in his vitriolic letter.
“The defendant does not take responsibility for her own mistakes.”
Not that we’re taking sides in this one. Matos McGreevey came out with some legal doozies of her own yesterday, claiming in a defamation action that her ex’s assertions that she’s a homophobe who knew
about her estranged husband’s sexual orientation before they were married have kept down sales of her book “by deterring purchases by members of the gay community (and to) members of the general public who were interested in whether she knew of his sexual orientations when the parties married.”
But hey, she’s not a lawyer. McGreevey is, or was, an assistant Middlesex County Prosecutor before he became the state’s most notorious ex-governor of the 21st century.
Matos McGreevey is scheduled to appear at the Molly Pitcher Inn from 6-10p on Thursday, June 28 to sign copies of her book.