The tiny, water-bound borough of Sea Bright has a spanking new Stormwater Management Plan, one more likely to mitigate flood damage than to prevent flooding, says Council President and presumptive mayor-elect Maria Fernandes.
The plan’s real aim is to help clean up the environment and ensure better water quality plus, it meets a state mandate. The plan has been by approved by Monmouth County Planning Board after being initially rejected.
Drafted by borough engineer David Hoder of Maser Consulting, the plans stated goals to be achieved through ordinances are to reduce flooding damage, minimize stormwater runoff, reduce soil erosion and cut water pollution.
It also sets goals for applicants who need Planning Board approvals on properties greater than 1/4 acre, Fernandes added, although there is little undeveloped land left in the .6-square-mile town, as the report notes.
The plan’s development and approval took more than two years “with many phases,” said Fernandes, who is also the Public Works committee’s chairwoman.
So why was Sea Brights plan initially rejected? Fernandes said it was mainly for spelling errors.
Fernandes said she found it “very exciting” for Sea Bright to be the 11th municipality of 53 in Monmouth County to get approval.
“The approval is difficult most towns are still working on it,” Hoder told redbankgreen via email. “What has happened is that the county usually rejects the plan a couple of times before approval. They are tough reviewers.”
Approval does not guarantee any funding, Fernandes said.
Fernandes and newly-re-elected Councilwoman Peggy Bills recently attended stormwater management training for municipal employees in Atlantic City, saving the borough $250 each on insurance premiums, she announced at the councils meeting last week.