It isn’t gluttony if it’s for a good cause, right?
So go ahead, take a refill on that chianti, heap a little more onto that dinner plate and dig into the area’s finest comestibles.
Your waistline will forgive you, and by the end of the 10th Annual Two Rivers Food and Wine Tasting, the beneficiary of your supping will probably thank you.
The Red Bank Rotary‘s popular smorgasbord this year benefits the Affordable Housing Alliance, which develops low-cost homes in Monmouth and Ocean counties.
“These funds will enable us to provide more housing and related services during a time when our neighbors need it most,” said Donna Blaze, the nonprofit’s founder and chief executive officer.
The event brings together more than 25 of the area’s restaurants, food purveyors and beer, wine and spirits distributors, making for a full evening of gastronomical bliss.
The tasting is scheduled fro Monday, April 19, from 6 to 9p at Branches in West Long Branch. Tickets are $65.
More than 300 people turn out for the event each year, said Rotary President Barbara Nitvak.
For more information and reservations, call 732-842-8225, or email.