The Reussille’s clock was back to telling the correct time late Friday afternoon. (Click to enlarge)
Red Bank’s landmark downtown clock is back to telling time, even if its owner has moved on.
The distinctive Reussille’s clock was shut off three weeks ago, when Ballew Jewelers, the successor to Reussille’s, ended a 126-year run in town.
At the time, members of the Ballew family did not respond to inquiries about whether the clock would be turned back on. That prompted some local Facebook users to launch a “Save the Reussille’s Clock” page.
As of Friday afternoon, the hands of the giant timepiece had quietly resumed their slow march around the dial.
Called for comment, a Ballew employee told redbankgreen late Friday that all questions about the clock had to be directed to owner John Ballew, “but he’s not taking any calls about the clock,” she said.
Talk about circular logic…