The author’s personal collection. (Photo by Brian Donohue. Click to enlarge.)
That collection of unused plastic knives and spoons many of us accumulate from take out food orders may become a thing of the past under an ordinance the Red Bank Borough Council will consider this week.
The ordinance up for introduction would prohibit eateries from giving out plastic utensils, straws and other items unless the customer specifically asks for them.
It’s modeled after a movement called “Skip the Stuff” touted by environmental groups who say the estimated 561 billion disposable food service items used in the US every year contribute to both local litter and the global plastic pollution problem.
Also on the agenda when the council meets Thursday:
- The adoption of an ordinance that would overhaul the Historic Preservation Commission.
- Allocating $217,000 in state grant money for environmental remediation of the proposed “Sunset Park” site along the Swimming River. The land, which officials say may contain contaminated soil, sits atop the former landfill and incinerator site at the foot of Sunset Avenue.
- An open public auction for eleven parking sites on borough owned property between Morford Place and Riverside Avenue. It would appear that the Monteverde cannabis shop, at 45 North Bridge Avenue, would need to win a competitive bid for the spots in order to comply with the conditions of the planning board approval granted last June.
Here’s the full agenda. The meeting is scheduled to be conducted in person at Borough Hall, 90 Monmouth Street and via Zoom beginning at 6:30 p.m.
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