The final installment of our Summer Scenes series finds photographer Luis Enrique Santamaria Delgado down on the banks of the Navesink River once again. He shot this photo through the boat storage racks of Irwin Marine at Union Street and Boat Club Court in Red Bank.
“Yes, I am drawn to the river,” says Luis, who spent part of the summer rowing with Navesink River Rowing. “The river is just an open space, like there’s no trees or, most of the time, people. And sunsets look great because you can kind of see the reflection of the sunset or what’s on the other side of the river on the water.”
redbankgreen thanks Luis for his wonderful photos, and wishes him the best as he enters eighth grade at Red Bank Middle School. His other Summer Scenes photos may be viewed here. (Photo by Luis Enrique Santamaria Delgado. Click to enlarge)