An image from the Mill Creek Residential proposal. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge)
Red Bank’s parking woes can be addressed by a garage disguised to look like a row of townhouses that were erected over the course of many years, representatives of Dallas-based Mill Creek Residential told the borough parking committee Wednesday night.
One of five developers to submit plans in response to a borough solicitation earlier this year, Mill Creek calls for 779 public parking spots in an eight-story garage on White Street.
The structure’s facade is “activated” to resemble that of a proposed 170-unit luxury apartment building that would abut its eastern edge, an architect for the firm told the committee.
As with a similar Mill Creek project in Morristown, “we’d like it to feel more like a boutique hotel” than an apartment building, company vice president Anthony Vulpi said. Tenants would have access to 188 dedicated parking spaces, under one of three possible scenarios company representatives outlined.
The project doesn’t include any retail or office space because “we didn’t want to compete” with what’s already downtown, Vulpi said.
Here’s Mill Creek’s complete submission made in April in response to the RFP, with sensitive financial information redacted by the borough.
And here’s redbankgreen‘s coverage of each of the other presentations: