The plan calls for adding seven stories of apartments and parking above Pazzo MMX restaurant at 141 West Front Street. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
A hearing on a plan that would dramatically alter the Red Bank skyline is scheduled to resume Thursday night following a two-month layover.
A rendering of the West Front Street side of the proposed project. The existing office building at the corner of Pearl Street is grayed-out at left. (Rendering by Feinberg & Associates. Click to enlarge.)
The only application on the zoning board’s agenda is a proposal by PRC Group to add seven stories of parking and apartments atop Pazzo MMX restaurant, at 141 West Front Street, between West and Pearl streets.
PRC is seeking to house 137 apartments and multiple tiers of additional on-site parking in a structure 122 feet tall, in a zone where the limit is 40 feet. The plan requires a host of variances.
The session is the board’s third on the proposal: the first was in January, 2020. before the onset of the COVID-10 pandemic, and the second was in December.
A full set of documents filed on the proposal can be found here.
The meeting, to be conducted via Zoom, is slated to begin at 6:30 p.m. Access and public participation information can be found here.
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