The session is aimed at getting input on proposed safety and aesthetic upgrades to Shrewsbury Avenue. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Red Bank’s government plans to solicit public input this month on a proposed streetscape makeover for Shrewsbury Avenue.
The busy Monmouth County thoroughfare is notoriously challenging for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.
A 2020 view south along Shrewsbury Avenue from Oakland Street. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
According to a notice posted on the borough website Tuesday morning, the administration will hold an information session November 20 at the Senior Center giving the public “an opportunity to review project information, ask questions and submit comments” about the Shrewsbury Avenue Streetscape Improvement Program.
From the notice:
During the meeting, you will have an opportunity to review project information, ask questions and submit comments. Property owners with rental units are advised that tenants are invited and encouraged to participate. If you are unable to participate in the event but are interested in reviewing the project plans and learning about this project, please see the Borough’s website, or contact us at the telephone number or email address listed below.
Separately, interim borough Manager Darren McConnell told redbankgreen that the administration does not have “any written plans just yet. We have a preliminary concept design but will now be seeking public input.”
More via email from McConnell:
This is basically a streetscape project that will improve pedestrian safety and beautify the area. It will include bump-outs at a number of intersections to shorten crossings, increase visibility and calm traffic. We are also looking at improved pedestrian grade lighting, several LED crossing beacons, and a couple rain gardens.
The session is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Senior Center, 80 Shrewsbury Avenue.
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