The existing neon sign atop Strollo’s Italian Ice will be replaced. (Click to enlarge.)By BRIAN DONOHUE An iconic feature of Red Bank summer nights will look a bit different this year after the Red Bank Zoning Board of Adjustment unanimously approved a new neon sign for Strollo’s Lighthouse Italian Ice Thursday night.
Strollo’s Lighthouse Italian Ice owner says this is what the new sign will look like. (Photo courtesy of Strollo’s Lighthouse Italian Ice. Click to enlarge.)
The 28-year-old business at the entrance to town near Cooper’s Bridge is replacing its roof and revamping the sign as part of the renovation.
The new sign will be slightly smaller than the existing neon sign, and match the look at the other five Strollo’s locations across Monmouth County, according to former Red Bank Mayor and attorney Ed McKenna, who represented owner Kevin Valerio at the board meeting.
A variance is required for neon signs because they are not allowed under borough zoning codes.
An earlier application by Strollo’s for a larger sign at the Maple Avenue shop was withdrawn after architects redesigned it to bring it below the 20-foot limit set by borough zoning codes, McKenna said. Just across North Bridge Avenue,
Valerio said the repairs on the roof and new sign are expected to begin soon, and the new look will hopefully be ready when the business re-opens for the season in March.Do you value the news coverage provided byredbankgreen? Please become a financial supporter if you haven’t already. Click here to set your own level of monthly or annual contribution.
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