A crew from Montana Construction adjusting one of the new retractable bollards on Broad Street Friday. (Photo by John T. Ward. Click to enlarge.)
Accustomed to detours and dust from an eight-month-long rebuilding of Broad Street, merchants and motorists in Red Bank will face what officials hope will be one last series of shutdowns next week.
Weather permitting, several days of paving and striping should all but finish the streetscape project.
The detour plan for Monday and Tuesday, above, and Wednesday, below. (Click to enlarge.)
Here’s the borough announcement from Thursday evening:
Please be advised that next week, Montana Construction will mill and pave Broad Street from Front Street through Harding Road. The schedule will be as follows:
Monday July 18th- Milling starting south of the Front Street intersection and working south on Broad St towards Harding Rd:
– The following streets will be local traffic only: Mechanic St, White St, Monmouth St (east of Maple), Peter’s Place, Canal St, and Reckless Pl
– The road will be milled in sections and will be reopened as they move south to the extent possible
Tuesday July 19th – Paving starting south of the Front Street intersection and working south toward Harding Rd
– Broad St will be closed from Front Street to Leroy Place
– The following streets will be local traffic only: Mechanic St, White St, Monmouth St (east of Maple), Peter’s Place, Canal St, Reckless Pl, Harding Rd (west of Spring St)
– The road will be reopened in sections as soon as possible, but will remain closed until safe to drive upon
– Motorists should expect delays as detours will be in place and plan an alternate route if possible
Wednesday July 20th – Milling and paving the intersection of Broad Street and Front Street, then Canal Street and Hudson Ave
– Front St will be local traffic only east of Pearl Street and west of Spring St starting at 9AM
– Broad St will be closed from White Street to Front St starting at 9AM
– Canal Street will be closed from Broad to Hudson, Clay St will be local traffic only, and Hudson Ave will be closed from Elm Pl to the Linden Lots
– The eastbound ambulance/emergency vehicle route to RMC is Front St to Boatclub Ct to Union St to RMC (highlighted in blue on the map)
– Motorists should expect delays as detours will be in place and plan an alternate route if possible
Thursday July 21st – Striping and painting of roadway lines, crosswalks, and parking spaces will be completed along the entire project. Minor traffic disruptions will occur but lane shifts will be utilized as much as possible and any road closures will be temporary.
Working hours are approximately 7AM-4PM each day
The project, originally budgeted at $2.7 million, included the installation of retractable security bollards at three Broad Street intersections to enable quick closures to vehicular traffic between White and Front streets. Their first deployment could come July 22, with an anticipated start to the third, albeit abbreviated, edition of the Broadwalk shopping and dining plaza.
According to the National Weather Service forecast as of Friday afternoon, the Greater Red Bank Green could get some rain Monday, followed by several days of sunshine.
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